Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ofunato Stories: Part 2

Today I'm grateful.  While I'm alone on Christmas Eve, staying in a hotel destroyed by the tsunami back in March, this newly rebuilt and refurbished building is a reminder of birth and rebirth.  It's like Christmas meets Easter all in one season.

Today I'm grateful.  I'm grateful to be alive.  I'm grateful for my family who arrives in Japan in two days.  I'm grateful for my new adopted brothers here in Ofunato who have taken good care of me and shown me incredible generosity.  I'm grateful for those here who are trying hard to move on with their lives, as each day brings a mixture of hope and frustration.  I'm grateful for those who stayed behind to continue with the rebuilding of Tohoku through sheer devotion to the prospects and plans for economic recovery.

I'm grateful for family and friends from near and far who have continued to offer help in the form of concern, time, support (emotional, financial, and spiritual), laughter, harsh words, and love.

I'm grateful for my husband who has let me go with the understanding I will come back.  I'm grateful for my son who questions what his mother is doing but not enough to complain.

I'm grateful for the kids who squealed with delight as a city council member dressed up as a reindeer entered their classrooms ringing bells, announcing the arrival of presents. 

I'm grateful for grown men who can dress up as reindeer for the kids in their town.  I'm grateful for men who take a day off from work to help deliver gifts of candy.

Yes, I miss my family.  Yes, it's hard sitting in a hotel room once destroyed by a giant wave.  Tonight, gratitude outweighs any sentiment of loneliness or grief.  For that, too, I'm grateful.

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