Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Random musings: Top 10 likes and dislikes

It takes coming back to the US to make me realize whom and what I miss when I'm in Japan.  The same is true for when I'm in Japan.  I have to be away to recognize what I appreciate, and what I abhor.  Having had a few days to sort out my thoughts and feelings, I've compiled a list.  Consider this a "brain dump."  Clearing out mental clutter makes room for clarity, and peace of mind. 

Here are my Top 10 lists of likes and dislikes, about both Japan and the US, made possible by stepping away from my routine.

Top 10 things I like about Japan

1.  Trains.
2.  Crowds.
3.  Street food.
4.  The coexistence of old and new, side by side, and with the assumption "this is normal."
5.  Friends.
6.  Polite speech.
7.  The willingness to keep going.
8.  "Gaman."  (Perseverance, Resolve, Dedication, Trying, etc.)
9.  Taxi drivers.
10.  Candy.  (The main reason my clothes no longer fit!)

Top 10 things I don't like about Japan

1.  "It might not be legal but this is our corporate policy so you must abide by it."
2.  Child pornography in the open.
3.  People and cars not stopping for emergency vehicles.  (There is nothing excusable about this, people.  Shame.)
4.  "You're foreign?  We have different rules for you."
5.  The pace of Tohoku recovery.
6.  Perverts on trains.
7.  Vomit on the sidewalks in the morning.
8.  Whatever concrete is used to make sidewalks.  It *has* to be a different material, made specifically (?) to ruin the feet, especially when wearing heels.
9.  The lack of Internet-connectedness.
10.  Politicians.

Top 10 things I like about the US

1.  My family is here.
2.  Driving is simpler.
3.  I can push back without being perceived as the "angry gaijin."
4.  Being able to buy clothes and shoes.
5.  Not being the tallest or largest person around.  (In fact, just so you know, I'm shorter than the average woman, and middle-of-the-road in weight.  The relief I feel knows no bounds.)
6.  I can talk on the phone all I want and not worry about how much it's costing me.
7.  Chips and salsa!
8.  Trader Joe's.  (How I miss you in Japan!)
9.  The rules are simpler.
10.  Credit card companies don't randomly freeze my accounts (the way they do in Japan).

Top 10 things I dislike about the US

1.  Drama, drama, drama.
2.  The political split in this country--downright scary.
3.  The sense of entitlement (especially prevalent in the Boston area).
4.  The lack of interest in what's going on outside of the US.
5.  Unrealistic idealism.
6.  That "I'm soooo busy" has become an acceptable reason to blow people off.  (It didn't used to be this way, people.  Please.  Everyone's "busy.")
7.  Customer service has long-since become a thing of the past.
8.  Massachusetts drivers ("affectionately" called "Massholes").
9.  Rudeness.
10.  That an apology is an admission of guilt.  When in doubt, never apologize, lest you admit wrongdoing and open yourself up for a law suit.  I find this ridiculous.  And, tacky.

It takes removing myself from my fast-paced schedule, and not being in the middle of the humdrum of life to release the pent up negativity, and to allow the fun and positive to take root.  Will my list change before I head back to Japan?  After I return?  Likely so.  Fascinating.

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